Our Product

Explore LeapAP features to learn how we improve your AP process.

Receive and code

LeapAP offers easy methods of invoice submission designed to be comfortable for both you and your vendors. All key information from the invoice is automatically extracted.

Auto-download utility bills

LeapAP logs in to utility portals and downloads bills on your behalf, saving you hours of time.

Easy invoice submission

Submit invoices by email or upload the file directly to LeapAP.

Auto-code invoices

Code invoices in seconds, or set up invoices from specific vendors to  be coded automatically by LeapAP.

Approve and post

LeapAP provides one-click approval, with backup and prior invoices in view. Once an invoice is approved, LeapAP exports it directly to your integrated accounting system; no data entry required.

No data entry

All key information is extracted and recorded by LeapAP.

Approval rules

Set up a clear workflow and have the option to only see invoices that require your attention.

Compare past bills

Easily view related invoices to track and compare your expenses.

Pay with ease

As an optional feature, LeapAP offers a variety of payment methods at a low cost, including automated checks/cheques, EFT/ACH, and virtual credit card. Eliminate the pain of signing and sending checks/cheques - LeapAP can do this for you.

Automated checks

Easily send signed checks/cheques to pay your vendors through LeapAP.

Pay from anywhere

LeapAP allows you to create, approve, and send a payment regardless of where you are located.

Low-cost electronic payments

LeapAP offers easy and low-cost electronic payments in the US and Canada.

Take your accounts payable
to the next level

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