Twas The Night Before Year-End

‘Twas the night before year-end, and all through the office no person was to be seen, Except of course, for the busy, busy, accounting team!

‘Twas the night before year-end, and all through the office no person was to be seen,

Except of course, for the busy, busy, accounting team!

They sat at their desks, surrounded by stacks of invoices to process,

Too many manual steps, too many utility bills, what a mess!

For deadlines loomed large, and there was so much left to do,

Every transaction had to be recorded, even the $7 reimbursements too

They sipped on coffee and munched on snacks, trying to stay awake,

Their eyes glued to the screens, their fingers moving with no mistakes

But the team was losing hope, the workload was not getting lighter,

It looked like they might to have to pull another all-nighter

But wait! In everyone’s inbox there arose such a clatter,

They all got up from their chairs to see what was the matter

Why, what a joyous sight! A solution arrived to solve their accounts payable pain!

CondoWorks! CondoWorks! CondoWorks! The whole team exclaimed!

It covers the full end-to-end cycle for all your A-P,

Forget manual work, True Automation is key!

It makes it super easy to Receive, Approve, Post and Pay,

Everyone from boards to vendors will all shout Hooray!

And then, as if by magic, the invoices all seemed to disappear

The team couldn't believe what they saw, with eyes full of cheer

They wrapped up their work so fast, that they shouted with delight,

Happy Year-End to All and thanks to CondoWorks, to all a good night!

To learn more about why CondoWorks is right for your property management company, connect with our team here!

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